Saturday, March 01, 2008

Change of Plans

You may recall a recent post in which I wrote about Chris's upcoming separation from the Air Force. Well, that's not going to happen after all! I'll spare you the details, but basically a certain someone in the Air Force made the mistake last year of putting Chris's application for the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in the wrong pile. Yes, I know. Anyway, they have finally righted the wrong and are now offering Chris the opportunity to stay in the Air Force and pursue his Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering at AFIT starting this August. He has decided to take it! So, Lord willing, we'll be moving to Ohio in about 5 months. Please pray for our transition.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I'm glad that's all straigtened out now! We'll miss you guys but I'm glad that Chris doesn't have to job hunt and can pursue his desires.