Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Mother of All Rallies

On International Midwives Day, May 5, Anastasia and I (and a lot of other people--those pictured above are just a few of us from the Dayton area) went to the state capitol to celebrate and rally for legislation that would grant licensure to Certifed Professional Midwives (CPMs) in the state of Ohio. Anastasia made a great little activist. With smiles flashing from her cute, little face peeking over her evidently "amazing" wrap she was undoubtedly winning state representatives over left and right. We can hope, anyway! Actually, from what I can tell from the handful of encounters I was privy to I think we had a good influence overall.
To read more about this campaign visit the Ohio Midwives Alliance and Ohio Families for Safe Birth websites.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Out For a Stroll

I know, I know. I'm going to have to get her some little knee pads. But I'm telling you, she refuses to walk on the grass when there's concrete around. And as for that, it is simply a means of making it to the street. She is instinctively drawn to the road like a moth to flames. Good thing we live on a cul-de-sac and have a fenced in backyard!