Sunday, January 28, 2007
My Little Shark Lover

Friday, January 12, 2007
Welcome to the World of "Solid" Food
I mushed up a small amount of an organic avocado and diluted it with a little bit of water, as I just wasn't up to thawing some breast milk and I hate to waste any of it. I probably should have just done it anyway to include something familiar to the taste, but I guess I was just hoping that she would find the avocado so delectable that she wouldn't care. But Evangeline wouldn't be a princess if she didn't care, now would she? And so began The First Supper...
Monday, January 08, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
The past month has been so busy that I haven't had a chance to post. It's been a good kind of busy, though--visiting family and friends in Tennessee and Georgia. I'll hopefully get a chance to post some pictures in the next couple of weeks, but, until then, I'll try to entertain you with just a few of the cute things Eliana has been saying lately:
I not my name. My name is Mommy now. There are different kinds of mommies. I don't know why there are different kinds.
I love Grandma. I love Daddy. I love Eliana.
I'm such a good mommy!
Eliana has pretty, curly hair.
Kayla (her cousin), you my granddaughter.
My eyes is cold. I need to wear my sunglasses.
I don't like sleeping.
I cannot go to bed because I sick.
Don't look at me, Evangeline! I trying to eat!
Evangeline, don't look at my food!
I love you, baby sister!
I'm so proud of you, Evangeline!