Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Signing Time!

I'd like to share with you a wonderful product for teaching children (and parents) American Sign Language (ASL). First, let me just say that I can't say enough good things about signing with children. It allows them an opportunity for earlier communication, decreases frustration in communication, increases their verbal vocabulary, can be instrumental for opening the door of communication for children with special needs (such as autism), promotes literacy, gives them (and you) an opportunity to communicate discreetly, is LOADS of fun--oh, I could go on and on!

Two Little Hands Production has a great series of DVDs and corresponding CDs that teach ASL. The signs are reinforced with many different children signing and some really great songs. We started letting Eliana watch these around the time when she turned 2, and, a year later, she still LOVES them. We began signing with her when she was 6-months-old, but Signing Time definitely gave a huge boost to her interest in and excitement for signing.

If you have an interest in signing with your child, check out Signing Time's website. They have many other products, ideas, and even a forum. You can also check out the "Sign with your baby!" link on this page under "Resources" for baby ASL classes in your area. And, of course, feel free to ask me any questions!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jennifer! Hope you have a great day!

Jennifer said...

Thank you! Overall, it was a good birthday. :)