While we were in Tennessee last month I took the kids to have their pictures made with my brother's children, Lucas and Kayla. I thought I'd share some of the pictures here.

Eliana and Kayla were easy enough to capture with a smile on their faces. I wish I could say the same for the younger two girls...

I had given four little girls a pedicure the day prior. We thought this shot would be easier to get than all of them sitting still and smiling, since all we needed was their feet. This did not prove to be true, but I'm happy that we finally managed to get it.

It was a miracle, but we did manage to get this one shot of all three sisters by themselves.

While I was trying to nurse Anastasia and convince her that photo shoots are, in fact, really fun the older two sisters had a few shots taken together.

Don't they just look adorable? It's amazing the things you can get kids to do when you bribe them with ice cream.

I just have to say that I love Evangeline's face in this picture. It so captures her personality!

This is attempt #2 at getting all of the girls in a picture together. Though I (obviously) hadn't planned on being in any of the pictures, I thought if I held Anastasia she'd do better. Thankfully, the picture turned out better than I could have hoped for given how things seemed in the moment.

Once that ordeal was over, the photographer asked if there was anything else we'd like her to get. In a rare, sudden moment of brilliance I asked her to go ahead and take a few shots of Evangeline by herself to save me the trouble of having to repeat this nightmare in a couple of weeks. Here she is scratching some bug bites.

Her she is with her mischievous grin. We've been seeing more and more of that lately...

I love this picture! Is this Evangeline or what?

The photographer and I kept trying to get Evangeline to be still, look at the camera, and smile all at the same time. She'd manage one or two of our requests, but couldn't seem to coordinate her efforts for all three. Frustrated, she finally sobbed, "I can't! I not big! I just too little!" It was hard work, but she finally pulled it off for the above picture. Way to go, Evangeline!