With my disclaimer out of the way, let me ask you, pre-menopausal ladies, if you are satisfied with your menstrual product(s)? Tampons are not healthy for us, disposable pads are uncomfortable and messy, and neither of them is environmentally friendly. But is there anything available that is not harmful to our health and yet is comfortable, clean, and environmentally friendly? I believe there is!
I have only had The Diva Cup for one cycle, but I already love it. This soft medical grade silicone cup has a higher learning curve than pads and tampons, but that's really the only downside I can think of.
How much do you spend on pads and tampons every year? The Diva Cup costs about $35 (including shipping), is guaranteed for one year, though it should last much longer.
How much waste to you produce with disposable pads and tampons (and don't forget packaging)? One Diva Cup will probably last 5-10 years. So, that's years of compiled waste from tampons and disposable pads (plus packaging and applicators) versus one diva cup and its packaging.
How reliable are your tampons/pads? The Diva Cup can hold about a third of what you lose during your period, so unless you don't empty it for days or you don't have it in correctly, you should be leak-free!
I could go on, but I'll let you read up on it for yourself (or feel free to ask me for more info). If this sounds at all interesting to you then I recommend that you check out Diva Cup's website, read reviews on Amazon, and check out what Wikipedia as to say about menstrual cups. Maybe you'll find Aunt Flo's dreaded, inconvenient visit doesn't have to be so bad after all.